Dr. Rossina Zamora Liu's scholarship focuses on antiracist, racial, and social justice education; systems of white supremacy and anti-Blackness in education; critical ethnographic methodologies; counterstorytelling in pedagogical and research methods; and cross-racial coalition and solidarity among Black, Brown, and non-Black communities of Color.

Rossina Zamora Liu is an assistant professor in the Urban Education specialization at the 鶹. She has an MFA from the renown Iowa Nonfiction Writing Program and a PhD from the Language, Literacy, and Culture Program, both from The University of Iowa. As a critical race and publicly engaged literacy educator, writer, and ethnographic researcher, she has worked with local artists, musicians, film makers, and b-boys of Color on community-based projects; first-generation college student athletes; high-school/middle-school students in urban and rural communities; and community college students. She has facilitated art-based counterstorytelling workshops at homeless shelters, the Veterans Affairs, and various public literacy spaces. Her work focuses on antiracist, social justice education; systems of white supremacy and anti-Blackness in school and society; critical ethnographic methodologies; counterstorytelling in pedagogical and research methods; and cross-racial solidarity and coalition building among Asian American, Black, and non-Black communities. She received the J. Michael Parker Award from the Literacy Research Association for her ethnographic essay on humanizing the witnessing of trauma narratives. She is co-author of a forthcoming book Systems of White Supremacy and White Privilege: A Racial-Spatical Framework for Psychology (forthcoming, Oxford University Press), a guest co-editor for a special issue, “Anti-Blackness in English Curriculum, Practice, and Culture,” in English Teaching: Practice & Critique (fall 2021), and a guest co-editor for a forthcoming special issue, “Race(ing) towards Futurity: Black and Latinx Youths’ Multimodal Compositions of Future Selves and Literacies,” in the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. She is recipient of the 2021 College of Education Excellence in Teaching Award (鶹) and the 2017 Distinguished Educator Award (University of Iowa). She is the elected Secretary and Treasurer of the Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender SIG of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and serves on the American Folklore Society Executive Board.  She is affiliate faculty of the Asian American Studies Program (鶹) and the Consortium on Race, Gender, and Ethnicity (鶹).




  • Teaching Excellence Award, College of Education, 鶹, May 2021
  • Distinguished Educator Award, The University of Iowa, Center for Diversity & Enrichment, 2017
  • J. Michael Parker Award for Adult Literacy Research, Literacy Research Association, Dec 2016


Books Authored

Liu, W.M. & Liu, R.Z. (forthcoming). Systems of White Supremacy and White Privilege: A Racial-Spatial Framework for Psychology. Oxford University Press.

Guest co-Editorships

Turner, J.D., Liu, R.Z., & Griffin, A.A. (forthcoming, fall 2022). Guest co-editors special issue: Race(ing) towards Futurity: Black and Latinx Youths’ Multimodal Compositions of Future Selves and Literacies. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

Jones, S.P. & Liu, R.Z. (Nov/Dec 2021). Guest co-editors special section: “Anti-Blackness in English Curriculum, Practice, and Culture.” English Teaching: Practice and Critique.

Refereed Journal Articles

Liu, R.Z., Liu, W.M., Wong, J.S., & Shin, R.Q. (2023). Anti-Black Racism and Asian American Local Educational Activism: A Critical Race Discourse Analysis. Educational Researcher, 0013189X231151939.

Liu, W.M., Liu, R.Z., Shin, R.Q. (2023). Understanding Systemic Racism: Anti-Blackness, White Supremacy, and Racial Capitalism and Re/Creation of White Space and Time. Journal of Counseling Psychology

Wong, J.S. and Liu, R.Z. (2022). Between Empirical Data and Anti-Blackness: A Critical Perspective on Anti-Asian Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents. Journal of Asian American Studies special issue: "Dimensions of Violence, Resistance and Becoming: Asian Americans and the 'Opening' of the COVID-era" 

Liu, W.M., Liu, R.Z., et al. (2019). Racial trauma, microaggressions, and becoming racially innocuous: Acculturative distress and White supremacist ideology. American Psychologist.

Perspectives, Opinions, and Letters

Liu, R.Z. & Brown, T. (2023). The College Board’s Rotted Roots. (OpED). The Baltimore Banner.

Liu, R.Z. (2019). Humanizing the practice of witnessing trauma narratives. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 63(3), 347-350. (October/November 2019)




  • Maryland Catalyst Fund New Directions Grant
  • Dean's Impact Research Grant: Research-Practice Partnership
  • Faculty Student Research Fund

Other Funded Projects

  • A Measurement of White Space and White Time 

Dr. Rossina Zamora Liu teaches the following courses in the College of Education: Critical Race Theory; Race and Whiteness; Critical Perspectives in Ethnographic Research Methods, Critical Foundations of Schooling and Education in the U.S., Embracing Diversity in Classroom Communities. She also created and teaches the undergraduate iSeries course, Critical Race Counterstorytelling.